Tababular 3 is out


Tababular 3 is out

Nothing happened, really, since announcing the beta, so this is just a little public service announcement to tell you that Tababular is out now as version 3! πŸ™‚

“What’s tababambabular?”, you might ask?

It’s just a little nifty library that can format data as tables, which is a nice thing to do sometimes.

E.g. in automated tests, instead of outputting one manually formatted crappy-looking test output after another, why not just collect the data and print it as a table? Here’s an example from the Fleet Manager’s driver, where emitted saga snapshot states are presented in a nice, readable summary form:

| Revisions | SagaId                               |
| 0         | 42d9beb5-d94c-4f62-9c60-65beb40c9b5e |
| 1         |                                      |
| 2         |                                      |
| 3         |                                      |
| 0         | 1c4c3db0-9ac2-4541-9752-ed01719aa217 |
| 1         |                                      |
| 2         |                                      |
| 3         |                                      |
| 4         |                                      |
| 5         |                                      |
| 6         |                                      |
| 7         |                                      |

Or how about CLI applications? Check out how Fleet Manager’s administration CLI presents the list of accounts in our DEV environment:

Happy formatting! πŸ“œ

About the author

Mogens administrator

Author of Rebus

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